Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So, while cleaning out my 27 pages of emails, I found this friend survey from my sister Dawn. Instead of responding weeks, if not months later, I decided to post it on my blog. Feel free to fill it out and pass it around.

1.What is your occupation right now? SAHM

2.What color are your socks right now? NONE, barefoot as always

3.What are you listening to right now? the dehumidifier

4.What was the last thing that you ate? a cookie from the bakery

5.Can you drive a stick shift? NOPE, who drives a stick these days anyways?

6.Last person you spoke to on the phone? Jason

7.Do you like the person who sent this to you?It depends on what time of the month it is. JUST KIDDING! Of course, I like her and love her

8.How old are you today? 33

9.What is your favorite sport(S) to watch? I can NOT believe that I am saying this, is football.

10.What is your favorite drinks? arnold palmer

11.Have you ever dyed your hair?duh, I think it is about time to dye it again.

12.Favorite food? another duh............RICE

13.What is the last movie you watched? at the movies...batman dark knight. at home...Goonies

14.Favorite day of the year? Christmas and then depending on what kid is asking...june 2nd, June 21st and June 30th.

15.How do you vent anger? SHOP....cuss and yell, not necessarily in that order.

16.What was your favorite toy as a child? MY barbies and the Barbies of my sisters

17.What is your favorite season? It depends on what state I am living in. In cali, it was winter. In Illinois....autumn.

18.Cherries or Blueberries?Cherries

19.Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? nay. I'll just check their blogs. lol

20.Who is the most likely to respond? one

21.Who is least likely to respond?hmmm....everyone

22.Living arrangements? hmmm.....still alive. in a house. umm...married

23.When was the last time you cried? this morning. anyone that knows me, KNOWS this is an hourly occurrence.

24.What is on the floor of your closet? Jason's work clothes. hangers. boxes of pictures.

25.Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to? my sisters, although, technically, I am not sending it to anyone.

26.What did you do last night? It depends on the time. Let's see...made dinner, cleaned the kitchen. got the kids school stuff together, "kind of" helped Dom with her math, did laundry, played on the computer, went to sleep.

27.What are you most afraid of? myself

28.Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheese with bbq sauce or ketchup with NOTHING else.

29.Favorite dog breed? black lab

30.Favorite day of the week? it used to be sundays, when I lived in cali because that is when the new target ad came out. BUT, now that I live in hickville, NO ads. :(

31.How many states have you lived in? One too many! (2 total)

32.Diamonds or pearls? Do you even need to ask????

33.What is your favorite flower? Buttercups