Monday, September 15, 2008


First off, be prepared for picture OVERLOAD!

So, I just realized that I never posted Kayla's pics from her first day of school. Ummm, considering she has been in school for two weeks, I figured I better post pics before she starts Kindergarten. lol

Kayla had her 4 yr old preschool orientation on September 2nd. It was only 25 minutes. Jason met us at school. She looked like such a BIG girl compared to when she started 3yr old preschool last year. Oh how time flies...just thinking about it is making me cry.

Orientation was the same as last year, so Kayla felt like a pro.

Check out the pics!

Of course we had to get a picture of the awesome custom. lol

some close ups...oh, I am listing it in my store this week, if anyone is interested. lol

Waiting in the hall with Jason. She is such a daddy's girl.

Can the backpack be any BIGGER???

Meeting her teachers (same teachers as last year)

Listening attentively (why, oh why can't my kids do this at home????)

A pic with moi, in the back ground. I figured I should post my fat arse, since I am never in any pics. lmfao! (btw, the F stands for fat NOT the other f-word, lol)

Daddy helping Kayla make a back-to-school crown.

Leaving with daddy.

Here is a picture after her second REAL day at school. The diva is talking to her auntie Steph!


stephanie h said...

How cute is she!?!?! I bet she is the best dressed in school. :)

Love her customs and love the pic of her and Jason. I hope she is loving school.

Heather said...

what a sweetheart! and you can tell that jason just loves kayla to pieces!

Tattered Tulips said...

She's beautiful! I *heart* her!