Sunday, May 30, 2010

TODAY..I ask you to Remember

I know it has been a long time since my last post. Please forgive me. But, today, I felt the need to get back to my blog.

Today, I ask you to hug your children a little tighter and a little longer.

Today, when you child is yelling "mommy, mommy, mommy" at the top of their lungs, and you want to yell, "BE QUIET!", I ask you to remember there is a woman who will never hear her child speak a single word, let alone the word "mommy".

Today, when your child ignores you and you want to yell, "I am talking to you, do you hear me?", I ask you to remember that there is child who has never heard his mommy's voice.

Today, when you are in the grocery store telling you child to "hurry up", I ask you to remember that there is woman whose child will never take a single step, as she spends her life in a wheelchair.

Today, when you become so frustrated with the mess in the living room, I ask you to remember that there is a woman whose child has grown up too fast and how she would give anything to have one more day with toys scatter all across her home.

Today, when your child asks you to play with her or asks for her 3rd waffle , and you are about to say, "not a minute", I ask you to remember that there is a woman who just played with her child for the last time.

Tonight, when you are crying because your child has awakened for the 5th time and you all want is one full nights sleep, I ask you to remember that there is a woman that would give ANYTHING to become pregnant and STAY pregnant.

TODAY, I ask you to cherish....YOUR....OUR......HIS children, because we MUST remember that on any given day the Lord can decide that He is ready for HIS children to come home.

Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. Heather is an amazing mother with an amazing family and the MOST amazing little boy....Carter.

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