Sunday, September 12, 2010


Yep, I have failed at blogging once again. This time I failed more than one level. How about we list them??

1) blogging in general......ooops I did it again. It has been almost 4 months since my last blog. many times I have said I am back and this time I will be serious about my blog???? Dont worry that was rhetorical. So....FAILED!

2)65 in 365.......yeah, remember how excited I was about my new adventure??? All those wonderful things that I was going to do. long did that last?? NO need to answer, I can do it myself....FAILED!!

3) monthly menus......actually I REALLY....REALLY enjoyed my monthly menus. But again......FAILED. HOWEVER, I kind of have an excuse. In May (the last time I made a menu, however March was the last time I posted one), we received life changing news. We found out that after 4 years, we would be relocating. Jason left immediately. I was left trying to deal with the end of the school year and major transitions which left NO time for menu planning let alone cooking at all. DON'T worry, I will update soon. Yeah....let's refer to #1.....don't get your hopes up.

4)Flashback Friday.....ummm how many Fridays have we had in 2010??? How many times have I posted my Flashback Friday?? How about I just answer #2...once. SO again....FAILED!! Actually, I think I will just stratch that one totally considering I have no pictures to be able to keep that one up. Again....I will update that later. But non-the-less...FAILED!

Well 4 FAILURES is more than enough to list. So, to make myself feel better, I think I will stop right there. Geez....I even FAILED on this post.

There is something kind of nice about is never permanent.

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely."~ Henry Ford

Thus...I will begin again.

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