Thursday, October 16, 2008


I hate spiders. Seriously, they are disgusting. I do not see the purpose of them. I am NOT afraid of them like some people in my house...........(rolling eyes at jayden and jason). BUT, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY do not like them.

Well, ever since we moved to this house 2 years ago, we have had MORE than our share of spiders. As always, I am the one who has to kill the spiders. Jason will reluctantly kill them if need be, but like most things he does, he does not do it correctly......okay, okay, he just does not do it MY way. Like I said the correct way. I am kidding, I am kidding. (well, kind of). He smashes them instead of squeezing them. I do not like blood and guts on my walls. When he "tries" to squeeze, they, ummm...fall....yeah, he misses them. Then they are lost. Then someone is freaked out. Then someone can not sleep in their bed. ETC, ETC. Hmmmm.

SO, I am the spider killer. I will give him credit, at least he tries. Unlike, Mr Macho Bad Ass Jayden who runs and screams like a.........................(fill in the blank). Then there is Dom. Remember this is the child that used to be afraid of anything with more than 2 legs or well......that flies.......dogs, cats, moths, white ibises at WDW. lol Okay, NOW, this child picks spiders up and practically plays with them. I am not talking little tiny ant sized spiders, I am talking mambo, jambo, big ass, baby tarantulas. So big that IF you step on them "stuff" will squirt a few feet away from you and you will have to throw away your shoes. I will give you an example............

AND was about the size of a half dollar, nice and hairy. OH, and he is one of the "little ones".

These big ole suckers are also VERY fast and quite adventurous. One night we found a HUGE one on the stairs. Jason and I started arguing about WHO and HOW we were going to kill it. The mini monster got tired of waiting for us and decided to try to escape. That sucker JUMPED....I swear I am NOT exaggerating.... off the freakin stairs. I am not talking one step at a time....I am talking 2 steps at a time. Sometimes landing on his back. Flipping over and running for dear life. I was quite impressed, although I was hoping that one of those stair dives would have resulted in his TIMELY death. Oh well, we had to "help" him out on that.

SO, lately, we have had EVEN more spiders. I mean we are killing up to a dozen a day. They are everywhere. It is quite disgusting. All around our drive-way we have dead mini-tarantulas. If I dare walk outside, my face is covered in lovely spider webs. NOT COOL!!! BUT, Jason just sprayed, so hopefully this will get better. Especially because winter is coming and those suckers LOVE our house. UGH!!!

NOW, if this infestation of spiders is NOT enough, Kayla had spider day at school a couple of weeks ago. SO, fitting, don't you think? It gets better. Guess who had snack that day???? Of, spider-woman. (seriously, rolling my eyes). SO, being the spider-lover that I am(double eye rolling), I went all out! Yep...spider custom, spider snacks, spider dessert. Spider-Freak!

NOW, if ALL spiders were as cute as this one, I might welcome them into my house!


auntiesteph said... have a problem, Hello, 12 a an exterminator. Like RIGHT NOW! What if they go in your shoes. Kayla is too cute though.

Alison said...

The kids KNOW to shake out their shoes before they put them on. Seriously, they are EVERYWHERE. BUT, not all are that big. Some teeny, tiny.