Monday, November 10, 2008


Today, was NOT a good day. I will NOT go into it now. Maybe tomorrow. But being that the day sucked, what is the ONE thing that makes me better.......yeah, No place to shop in hickville usa. I think I have out-shopped every store online lately. What's next? Ooh, the 5 dozen catalogs that I have received in the last week.

So, as I am flipping through the catalogs, turning corners on the things that I "need"........ I come across something that take my breathe away..............GRANS. OR at least something that makes me think of Grans. For some reason, everything that made me sad and mad started to vanish. All of a sudden I had purple thoughts. My purple thoughts.....................

What would Grans do?

1) first and foremost, she would pray (probably with her rosary)

2) she would forgive

3) she would NOT judge

4) she would cry and not be ashamed or embarrassed to do so

5) she would hold her head up high

6) she would laugh

7) she would NOT lose faith

8) she would have NO regrets

9) she would take it as a lesson learned

10)she would KNOW that "it IS what it IS"

11) THEN, she would send pa to 7-11 to play the lotto because something would be telling her that what just happened meant that something big was coming.

12) Then she would say what she said often in the last couple years of her life........"when I am an old woman, I shall wear purple"

Grans did wear purple. She loved purple. However, she NEVER, EVER got old.

As I sit here, I am laughing through my tears. I find it SO ironic, that MY shopping obsession......your shoe, hat and purple obsession got me through a very difficult day. The same way that YOU got me through most days in my childhood. You were here with me today, like you were so long ago.

Thank you Grans!


Heather said...

grans sounds like an awesome person. i'm glad you are feeling better. i've been worried and so sad for you.

Alison said...

Thank you Heather! Grans was the best..........EVER! Thank you for being my friend! :)

Allison said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad day!!! :(

auntiesteph said...

You just helped me get through a moment of my day too. I miss her so much. Love you, Steph

stephanie h said...

I hope that today is much, much better for you!

Grans sounds like she was a pretty amazing person. :)

nielsons*love*family said...

hope your day is better! i just keep finding more and more blogs! LOL
dorien aka bompie