Tuesday, May 13, 2008


As we all know, Kayla is quite the diva, princess, girlie girl, etc, etc. She loves to dress up whether it be in one of her many custom or boutique outfits. She also loves to play dress up. Besides her MAJOR love of clothes and shoes, she also adores jewelry. She loves everything from her plastic dollar store jewelry to my diamond ring and earrings. She is ALWAYS "oohing and aahing" over my earrings. She has a MAJOR fascination with DIAMONDS. YES, diamonds (yep, I am raising my daughters well....hehehe) For the longest time, I have been trying to get her to get her ears pierced, but she has been scared. Unfortunately, "holes in yours ears" sounded too much like the "hole in her arm" (from her last surgery). So, I decided to hold off a while until some of her fears went away. Then, one day we were watching our favorite show (J & K plus 8), when they showed one of the oldest girls getting her ears pierced. I was so excited because I knew if Kayla saw a "big" girl get her ears pierced, she would follow suit. NOPE....did NOT happen. lol

Well, a couple of weeks ago, we decided to head to STL to do some much needed Costco shopping. Before we left, Kayla started to throw a fit because she could not find her diamond ring (a little plastic blue ring that is shaped like a diamond........not a diamond like a girl's best friend, but the shape of a diamond). Finally, she had her jewelry and we were off. While driving, I asked if she wanted to get her ears pierced. Naturally, she said "NO!". Hmmm......I had an idea. "Kayla, what if we bought you DIAMOND earrings, then would you get your ears pierced???" I really did not think she would say yes, BUT she DID!!!!!!!! What a girl will do for some diamonds.

So, we make it to the mall. We do a little shopping. Jason is relaxing in one of those massaging chairs, when we notice a Claire's store. Hmmm......I wonder if she remembers agreeing to getting her ears pierced??? YEP! So, we head over to Claires, just as a little girl is sucking on a lollipop with red little ears. She had just finished getting her ears pierced and thankfully survived without any tears (or at least any noticeable tears).

Next thing we know, Kayla is picking out her diamond earrings (actually they are cz, but we will not tell her that until she is married and her hubby can buy her real diamonds) is in the chair, I am signing a consent form and asking 101 questions about the ear piercing degree that the employees have, yada,yada, yada. I think Jason and I were more nervous than Kayla. I am already planning on taking her to TRU and buying her everything in the store because I KNOW my drama queen will be in tears, whether it hurts or not. Trust me, that girl tries to milk me for EVERYTHING. Well, the next thing we know, Kayla has 2 earrings in ears and is seriously LAUGHING HER BUTT OFF! She did not shed a tear. My freak actually started to laugh, which by the way, saved me a trip to TRU and a whole lot of money. lol

Now, what to bribe Dom with in order to get hers done???

Here is a pic of Kayla showing off her new studs!


stephanie h said...

I LOVE her diamonds! She has EXCELLENT taste! ;)

auntiesteph said...

Beautiful little girl! I wish I had diamonds. Love you auntie Steph