Friday, May 9, 2008


So, Gymboree just came out with a new boys line last week......SHARKS........VERY COOL. Jayden is getting older and it starting to be "too old" for Gymbo. SO, I thought the shark line would get him a little excited and MAYBE bring him back to Gymbo. I showed Jayden the pics and he said, "I really do not like sharks." Umm, okay,a little sad, BUT money saved.

Well, it seems that Big Gymbo has pulled one of the shark shirts due to "complaints" by parents. It seems that many parents are "concerned" because one of the Shark shirts looks "questionable". QUESTIONABLE???? Rumor has it, that the shirt has a shark on it that looks like a PENIS. Yep, I said it......PENIS!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL????

Here is the shirt...


Am I the ONLY one that sees a SHARK??????

Have these phallophobic moms ever seen an actual PENIS??? As one of my online friends said. "if they think that looks like a penis, they really should talk to their husbands about seeing a plastic surgeon!"

Come on! That looks nothing like a penis. OR could it possibly be that I have not seen a Penis for so long that I can not recognize one?? Have they changed? Do they have a HUGE mouth and SHARP teeth?? Do they have fins?? Do they have two nostrils?? Do they have eyes popping out of their head???Do they look that scary?? (well, I guess it depends on who you ask!) Seriously, do you know any Penis that would be in the same vicinity with 4 dozen razor sharp teeth??? Ask any man....HELL NO!!!

COME ON PEOPLE....that is NOT a PENIS!!!! AND it looks NOTHING like one!!!!

SO, if anyone is going to gymbo and finds a size 8 that has not been pulled yet, I want it.

Jayden does not like shark shirts, but he would LOVE a penis shirt. I will just tell him it is not really a shark, it is a penis dressed up like a shark. He will love it!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

UMM SERIOUSLY? that is crazy! looks like a shark to me!