Wednesday, April 9, 2008


There are some days when I TRULY believe that NO ONE on this planet knows what I am going through. YES, there are millions and zillions of moms out there. However, on some days, I feel like I am the only one going through whatever it is that I am going through at that moment. On many of those days, I feel like the crappiest mom on the planet. I feel as I am doing EVERYTHING wrong. I also feel as if I say the SAME things OVER......and OVER.......and OVER.......AND OVER AGAIN!! YET, NO ONE is listening. By the end of those days I am in tears.

YET, every once in a while I feel like someone else"GETS IT".

Today, I came across "THE MOM SONG" on youtube. I seriously laughed my butt off because I have said EVERYTHING in that song.....MORE than once.

It is SOOOO nice when another mom is on the SAME page as me. However, I do feel sorry for her. lmbo


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